Free Proxy Surf |
At the end, you can ask: "with all the procedures described and explained on the pages before, do I preserve total anonymity using proxy servers,
or web based proxy"? The answer is: "Yes and No". Yes, because your IP provider has no information about the sites you visit (so if you surf from
office, or from your school, there is no problem). On the other side, if you don’t want to let know to the visited sites who you are, the answer
is always positive: yes, you are anonymous.
However, there is a potential risk for your privacy: the proxy site that you use has information about you (it sees your identity via your IP), and has information about sites you visit. So, hypothetically, the owner of the proxy site can collect this sensitive information, and could, always theoretically, use them against you. There are lot of anxious people on the net that seriously take in consideration this remote possibility that they can be black-mailed from proxy site webmasters. And what they do to eliminate this threat? Using chain of proxiesThey use multiple proxies, so no one can have complete information about visitor and visited site. How they do it? They create a chain of proxies, sometimes more than 2. This can be done directly from some browsers, defining more proxies in the proxy box, like this:, specifying 2, or more proxy sites, that will be used for surfing. In this example, the browser will connect to the first proxy (, that will connect to the second one (, and this will call desired sites. As I almost said, not all browsers support multiple proxies, so one can define one proxy server in the browser, and then use a web based proxy. Or simply connect from one web based proxy to another one, and only in the second one insert the URL of the site to be seen. But you must know that this kind of surfing is very tedious, slow and not always reliable; some of proxies are transparent and they send the information about original IP, from where the original request comes.The problem in the office is frequently unresolvable. The browser doesn’t permit access to insert proxy because for this procedure you must have administrator privilege, and you do not have it. As I said in some other place, web based proxies are often blocked by the filter, and after hours of searching can happen that you don’t find any available. The situation becomes disparate. Consider as an option to not navigate from your working place. Maybe it’s the most wise solution. |